What does creativity look like for you?

Whether it’s knitting, painting, cooking, dancing, singing, drawing, crochet, embroidery, woodwork, mosaic, papercraft or flower arranging, it doesn’t matter… because ALL creative pursuits are good for you! Creativity is good for your mental health, your brain, your coordination, your immune function, your communication skills and your ability to problem solve. And so much more…

I am a qualified and experienced teacher, a coach and a trained and insured creative arts practitioner and I’m making it my mission to get the women of Surrey crafting and creating…

Will you join me?

Here’s how we can work together

  • Crafting Conversations Women's Circles

    Weekly craft gatherings to connect with like minded women, to craft, learn and share our stories. We also eat cake…

  • Craft and Creative Workshops

    Craft and creative workshops to learn new skills, connect with others and enjoy the therapeutic benefits of creativity.

  • Come and Play Creative Playtime

    Come to my creative cabin and explore new creative mediums. One to one or small group sessions exploring paint, clay and print.

  • Bespoke Therapeutic Creativity

    Bespoke sessions to support mental health challenges such as stress and anxiety. Trauma and neurodiversity informed.


Get in touch

Any questions, queries or booking requests, fill out this form and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.