Kind words from past clients


I came to coaching when I was struggling to decide if the time was right to return to work and my inner critic was noisy and interfering!

I now know that coaching isn’t just for ‘other’ people! Interventions in the past seemed to focus on the things that were 'wrong' and the need to radically change myself or my situation.  The coaching process with Jo was positive from start to finish. Gentle accountability and kindness provided the perfect conditions for me to evaluate my situation, make the changes that I wanted and to feel truly content with the direction I am moving in.

My work with Jo helped me to identify as a ‘people pleaser’. Naming it was a revelation and has completely changed my interactions with everyone. I am much more self-sufficient and will take time to make my own decisions rather than defer to others. I have better boundaries and take time for myself - engaging and enjoying creative projects just for me, as well as getting outside every day, doing yoga and swimming. 

My coaching experience was so much more than I could ever have imagined. It was a warm, transformative and liberating experience! I feel content for the first time in ages, I have an exciting project in the pipeline and the whole experience still gives me a warm glow when I think about it!



In many ways I was in a good place in my life when I sought coaching with Jo but as someone who believes that we are always growing, I wanted to go inwards and increase my clarity and awareness of where my life is heading as well as becoming more self-aware and focused.

Jo works in a heart-centered way and what seemed like a conversation was clearly so much more! I am more at peace with myself, I live more in the moment rather than allowing myself to be distracted by the ‘next thing’. I have more happiness and enthusiasm for life and I am empowered to truly embrace who I am.

My coaching experience was inspiring, unique and truly heart-centered and I honestly believe that the world, and women especially, needs more of this gentle, nurturing practice.


Years of overwork had caught up with me and I was spending more time in hospitals than I had ever anticipated as my working habits showed up in my body.
I sought coaching with Jo to help me find clarity amidst the options that I had begun to conjure up for my future working life and particularly my work/life balance.

As a result of coaching, my long-standing sense that my working life could be different, has become a reality. I am feeling confident as I explore a range of opportunities for the future, rather than telling myself all the reasons that I shouldn’t. I have developed a keen sense of how to manage the ebbs and flows of family life and my mindset has shifted to one of positivity.

Working with Jo was totally professional but it was also a warm and sacred space. Jo’s integrity, together with her coaching skill made all the difference to my engaging with the process. It was such a pleasure to feel safe, to let someone in on my world and to help me craft the next little steps. Jo allowed me to work at the pace that I needed. Those baby steps were real monsters to me!

Jo is an inspiration! Thank you!